Part 135 Training Manuals

Single Pilot and Single Pilot in Command operators are exempt from the training requirements of Part 135 with the exception of Hazardous Materials recognition or acceptance training. All other operators are required to have an approved training program (in-house or Part 142).
All our manuals have been prepared in accordance with FAR Parts 119, 135 and the "Flight Standards Information Management System" 8900.1. Our manuals are designed be expandable to add more than one type of aircraft. Each manual is written to the specifics of your training environment. We collect aircraft parameters from you before writing the manual so that your manuals are standardized to your specifications.
We will revise your manuals as required to meet the individual requirements of your Flight Standards District Office. When we receive a request for revisions from the FAA we determine if the request would be valid for most operators and we reprogram our computers accordingly. This policy allows us to give you a manual that has already been reviewed by previous operators and the FAA office involved.
The first training manual is $2,000.00 Each additional aircraft family $ 750.00
530-PART135 (530-727-8135)
Part 135 Training Manuals
Aviation Computer Systems